Classes usually comprise open-handed and weapons techniques as well as basic work (fitness, safe falling exercises), and are taught in German/English language, as needed.
Fitness is an essential aspect (personal safety), it is therefore expected that Aikidoka take care of their physical condition also outside of regular training classes.
Polytech School sports hall
Michael-Schwanzer-Weg 12, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Tuesdays 19:00 – 21:00 hrs
Gym at DonauSplash
Karl-Metz-Gasse 1a, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Fridays 19:00 –21:00 hrs
plus the readiness to train twice a week.
Thereafter, joining regular training classes is possible at any time.
(club membership Sportunion Langenlebarn + Aikido section fee, year 2024-2025)
Bokken/Jo (wooden sword/staff) according to teacher specification, available for beginners.

Markus Bauer (4th Dan Dento Iwama Ryu) has been active in Aikidō since 1999 and is a student of Volker Hochwald Shihan (6th Dan Dento Iwama Ryu, Aiki Shuren Dōjō Korntal).
Markus took up training with the then newly established Stuttgart group of Volker and Franziska Hochwald. Right from the start, he was fascinated by the intensity of the physically and mentally demanding training, as well as the coherent combination of open-handed and weapons techniques in traditional Iwama style.
In 2015, he established the Aiki Shuren Dōjō in Tulln, at the Danube river, close to Vienna, the first Dento Iwama Ryu / ISSASK group in Austria. In his training, he attaches great importance to an atmosphere of focus and concentration while combining traditional training with modern fitness elements.
"My ideal training? … one without words, but with a lot of Ki-Ai".