Aikido Seminar with Volker Hochwald Shihan

with Volker Hochwald Shihan
6th Dan Dento Iwama Ryu Aikido (ISSASK)

September 13th–15th 2024
in Tulln at the Danube River (AT)

We are happy to invite again to a seminar held by Volker Hochwald Shihan!

Volker Hochwald, 6th Dan ISSASK, is Dojo Cho of the Aiki Shuren Dojo Stuttgart-Korntal (DE). He is the official representative of the international Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shurenkai association in Germany and trains with Saito Hitohira Kaicho at the Hombudojo „Tanrenkan“ in Iwama, Japan, on a regular basis.
Apart from his main occupation as Aikido teacher, he is a certified self-assertion trainer for children and adolescents, and a TacFit-Instructor.
He also works as a Lecturer for Movement at the Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg.

The seminar is open for Aikidoka from all schools/styles and will comprise classes in Bukiwaza and Taijutsu.

→ website of the Aiki Shuren Dojo Stuttgart-Korntal

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The seminar will comprise Bukiwaza and Taijutsu classes is open for Aikidoka from all styles/schools.

Friday 19:00 – 20:00
Saturday 9:30 – 12:00 | 15:00 – 18:00 | 20:00 Uhr Party (dinner at local restaurant)
Sunday 9:30 – 12:00

  • please bring your own Bokken and Jo
  • Hakama for Yudansha
  • participation fees (cash, on site):
    full seminar 70 € | Saturday + Sunday 60 € | Party: self-paying at the restaurant

Venue, Travel, Accommodation

Training venue: → New Sports Hall at the Polytech School Tulln, Beim Heisselgarten 4,3430 Tulln an der Donau